Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tingling Fingers or Finger Numbness?

Dealing with tingling fingers? If so, you may be wondering if the next step is going to be finger numbness. This is definitely a good question. The problem with tingling fingers is that they can be a symptom of several different problems, with the two most common being carpal tunnel syndrome and RSI (repetitive stress injuries). Both of these problems can cause tingling fingers. However, you may be wondering if it is going to only get worse from here. Well, let's take a closer look at the problems and how they often progress.

Carpal Tunnel and RSI

Both carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive stress injuries can cause tingling fingers as well as numbness of the fingers. Carpal tunnel is a problem that deals with the median nerve. Often the carpal tunnel is compressed and presses down on the nerve, causing pain, tingling, and in some cases, even numbness. Repetitive stress injuries are a bit different, although they can include the carpal tunnel. They are injuries that occur because of a motion that is done repetitively, or over and over again. This can definitely cause some painful symptoms, including tingling in the fingers.

Usually Tingling Occurs First

In most cases of carpal tunnel and RSI, you will find that the tingling in the fingers occurs first. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes you will find that the numbness in the fingers can occur first. At times these symptoms may be exclusive of each other, but usually you will find that they do come in pairs.

In Some Cases Finger Numbness Occurs

If you are already dealing with finger tingling, you may find that finger numbness is not far behind. This doesn't always occur this way though. There are some cases when both the tingling and the numbness occur together. In other cases, you may find that the tingling occurs and numbness never ends up occurring.

Ignoring the Problem causes More Problems

While it may seem admirable or courageous to ignore carpal tunnel symptoms, such as finger numbness, in order to keep your job, this can actually cause even more problems. In fact, just ignoring any carpal tunnel symptoms that you have in the beginning can lead to a more severe case of the problem in the long run. It is only early diagnosis and treatment that can help to keep this problem from getting worse, keeping employees more productive when they are on the job.

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